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“So Jesus had compassion and touched their eyes.” —Matthew 20:34

 One of the ways Jesus showed His love was by taking time to listen.  Asking questions and listening to people opens hearts, allowing the Holy Spirit to work.

Compassion releases the power of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus had compassion on the multitudes, and people were healed and fed.  Compassion creates an atmosphere for miracles.   It might not be a visible miracle, like the healing of blind eyes, though it certainly could be.  A healed heart, spiritual eyesight, or the ability to see the need for salvation also require a miracle.

When we have compassion for others, we are emotionally engaged and moved to do something. Jesus had compassion on the two blind men in Jericho and touched them.  He did not always touch people when healing them.  Sometimes He just gave the word, as in the case of a centurion’s servant (Matthew 8:8-13), and healed from a distance.

Miracles can’t be reduced to a technique; they are not something you learn.  And a miracle is certainly not something to do for its own sake, as a show or on demand.

But as sons and daughters of the King, we have the delegated authority of Jesus.  As ambassadors of the Kingdom, we have the Kingdom’s backing.  When we align with God’s will, we can pray and release the Word of God for healing and other needs. In compassion, we can lay hands on people and command sickness to leave in Jesus’ name.

We’re not the healers, He is.  He does what He wants when He wants and how He wants.  But He has stated that miraculous signs will follow those who believe (Mark 16:17).

Wouldn’t it be fun to turn around and with spiritual eyes see a bunch of miracles following us?  Just waiting to be released?  Waiting for us to act in faith to what Jesus tells us to do.

People are desperate for compassion.  Ask the Lord to open your spiritual eyes to see others’ needs—and to see what’s following you!

Pastor Ray Bentley

Love God. Love People. Pastor Ray Bentley lived by those words. His love for the Lord and the people he served was demonstrated every day through his actions, leadership, ministry, teaching, sharing, and caring.

Maranatha Chapel © 2023. All Rights Reserved.

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