“By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.” —Hebrews 11:8
Imagine yourself in Abraham’s position. He’s seventy-five years old, and God tells him, “Abraham, I’ve got a whole new and exciting adventure for you.”
He wasn’t young. He had strong community ties and responsibilities. But Abraham took a risk, leaving everything behind. He had grasped an important principle: the goal is not to be comfortable and build a kingdom here on earth, then work toward retirement. Abraham regarded himself as a sojourner and a pilgrim passing through, following God on a remarkable journey of faith toward the ultimate goal, his eternal heavenly home.
Abraham lived by faith. He had to, or he wouldn’t have been able to follow God so faithfully. The Bible even describes Abraham as a friend of God (2 Chronicles 20:7), undoubtedly because he talked with God regularly. He trusted God and listened to Him. So one day, when God told him he was going on a journey to a new place called the Promised Land, Abraham went.
He trusted his friend, his God, and he had no fear of obeying Him, no matter how great and unimaginable the adventure may be.
Whatever your age, don’t be surprised if God has a whole new adventure for you. You might be young, just getting started. Or raising a family and established in a job. Or you might be older, like Abraham. Don’t be afraid of what is next!
I pray for that kind of faith as we all grow older—that we will never settle for “comfortable” when God has so much more for us!