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“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters.”—Psalm 23: 1-2

The love of God became flesh and dwelt among us when Jesus came to answer the yearnings of our hearts.

He gives us a love song to sing—even in this fallen world. From Genesis to Revelation, we read the story of the Good Shepherd who came down from the mountain heights of glory into the lives of those who yearn for love. There He sought to demonstrate His love, even when we felt unworthy.

Falling in love with the Shepherd, we discover Him as the King of kings and Lord of lords, who gave His life for us, desiring to fill us with love and joy, and carry us into eternity.

This is the ultimate romance!

Take some time to meditate on these four thoughts:

·         We often feel unlovely, unworthy, stuck in our lives, beaten up by the world, our choices, and those who hurt us. Yet, Jesus sees us as His beloved. “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us,” Romans 5:8 tells us. Proof of His love lies in the scars of the cross, the marks of His passion, which He bore on His body.

·         God desires to pour blessings into receptive hearts. He wants to lavish us with His holy gifts. “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him,” wrote the apostle Paul (1 Corinthians 2:9).

·         The Lord wants to bring you into a love relationship that will enrich your life in ways you cannot even begin to fathom! What you experience vertically in a relationship with God will spill over into your relationships with other people. When you know deep spiritual love, nothing else—not wine, drugs, worldly appetites, riches, or success—can bring you the same satisfaction.

·         We never need to be afraid to follow Him. The Good Shepherd will never lead us astray. We can trust our Heavenly Shepherd to lead us into green pastures and clean, refreshing pools of water to nourish our souls.

We can trust in His love.

Pastor Ray Bentley

Love God. Love People. Pastor Ray Bentley lived by those words. His love for the Lord and the people he served was demonstrated every day through his actions, leadership, ministry, teaching, sharing, and caring.

Maranatha Chapel © 2023. All Rights Reserved.

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