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“God said to Jonah, ‘Is it right for you to be angry about the plant?’

‘It is,’ he said. ‘And I’m so angry I wish I were dead.’” —Jonah 4:9

Jonah had severe mental and emotional problems.  He ran from God, defied God, resisted God, miraculously survived a storm at sea, and was swallowed by a giant fish. He still wouldn’t surrender to a healthy relationship with God or anyone.

Then God finally persuaded Jonah to obey, to go to wicked Ninevah and preach repentance.  Behold! The people listened, repented, and turned their lives around!  Jonah succeeded!  Today we would hail him as a great preacher, prophet, and reformer.

Was he happy?  

No.  He was mad.  He resented God’s grace towards these “wicked people.”  He pouted and brooded himself into a depressed and suicidal state.

God could have said, “Mission accomplished,” and moved on.  God had more trouble with Jonah than the wicked city of Ninevah.

Jonah succeeded, but his heart was wrong.  God knew, “For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7).

The Lord cared as much about saving this one surly, difficult servant as He did about saving a whole city.

The Lord God listened to Jonah, answered his questions, and reminded him of His grace.  He taught Jonah the meaning of love.

Jonah felt angry enough with God to die. Still, he ended up in one of the most meaningful and significant counseling sessions ever recorded.  He learned that God cares more about what is going on inside of us than what we accomplish in the eyes of the world.

Most historic experts agree that Jonah himself wrote this book.  He portrayed himself honestly as a defiant, resentful, angry man who struggled to obey God, even in the face of great success, depression, and confusion.  But in the end, he learned the depth of God’s forgiveness and compassion and recorded his story for all posterity.

If you see yourself in Jonah—if you have succeeded in accomplishing good works but know your heart is still not right—then be encouraged. God will not let you go.  He loved Jonah enough to stay with him, and He will do the same for you and all of us.

Pastor Ray Bentley

Love God. Love People. Pastor Ray Bentley lived by those words. His love for the Lord and the people he served was demonstrated every day through his actions, leadership, ministry, teaching, sharing, and caring.

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