“And the Lord has declared this day that you are His people, His treasured possession.”—Deuteronomy 26:18
We are God’s treasure, His beloved. Despite our failings, weaknesses, disobedience, and acts of rebellion, He treasures us enough to send His Son to sacrifice Himself for us. Oh, that we could experience such faithful love here on earth!
Throughout the Old Testament, constant examples of God’s persevering love are portrayed: creation, the great Exodus, Passover, the giving of the Law, forgiveness, redemption. Over and over again throughout the centuries, God demonstrated His love. Then Jesus came and embodied every act of love played out in the years preceding Him. He is the Creator of our new lives in Him (“new creatures in Christ”). He is our Exodus to freedom, our Passover from wrath, our Sinai, our redemption. And all of it, every move of His Holy Spirit, even when we are being chastised, is motivated by grace, compassion, and love.
Jesus endured Calvary so that we can live an abundant life. He suffered to set us free.
I encourage you to live in the understanding of God’s great love and grace toward you. Cherish your position as His son or daughter.
“Through the western window a solemn light streams from Mt. Calvary. Through the eastern window shines the light of sunrising, the herald of a brighter day. Thus the school of Grace is well lighted; but we cannot afford to do without the light from either the west or the east.” —Canon Hay Aitken