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“So Jesus stood still and called them, and said, “What do you want Me to do for you?” —Matthew 20:32

If you were famous for your ability to heal and two blind men approached you, wouldn’t it be obvious what they wanted?  Why did the Son of God need to ask, “What do you want me to do for you?”

   Jesus frequently asked individuals what they wanted from Him.  He encouraged them to express their desires and speak what they wanted.

   It’s tempting to think, “Oh well, He’s God; He already knows my needs.” That’s true.  But with God, we need to say exactly what we mean and what we want.  We need to be specific about what we’re asking.

   “Ask, and it will be given to you.”  (Matthew 7:7)  You only have to ask.

   We don’t ask someone to do something they’re incapable of doing.  By asking, we acknowledge that Jesus has the power and authority to move on our behalf.

   Jesus takes the time to ask and to listen.  There’s something very powerful about this.  The King of the universe doesn’t have to take the time to listen to us to fulfill our desires and needs.  But He wantsto.

   Here is a key that opens hearts to the message of the Gospel:  ask questions and listen.  Ask people to tell you their story or their situation.  Demonstrate that you are interested in them beyond the cultural greeting of “How are you?” One of our greatest needs humans is to be listened to. Not just their words; their very souls need to be heard.

   Listening is a gift we can give believers and non-believers alike.  When we spend time with someone and make them the focus of our undivided attention, we’re bringing Jesus to them.  We’re saying, “You matter; you are beloved by God; you are worth listening to.”

   People respond to this kind of love.  They start to peek out from behind the iron gates of their highly fortified hearts.  They soften.  They lower the drawbridge and allow you to come in.  And eventually, after experiencing this uncommon love, they’re often open to hearing about the Source of it…our beloved Savior.

   I encourage you to take the time to really listen to someone today.  Give that wonderful gift Jesus so lovingly gives to us.

Pastor Ray Bentley

Love God. Love People. Pastor Ray Bentley lived by those words. His love for the Lord and the people he served was demonstrated every day through his actions, leadership, ministry, teaching, sharing, and caring.

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