When men try to lead us down an unfamiliar path. We need to heed Paul’s counsel and remember who owns our lives. Who is the head Jesus. And Paul is…
The Apostle Paul reacted strongly when some were complicating the gospel. since we are identified with Jesus and Jesus is the fullness of God. What more do we need?…
It’s fundamental. It’s basic, it’s the anchor that will hold your life together. Jesus is Lord. Don’t let a church become your Lord. Don’t let a man become your Lord.…
What is the essence of the good news? You could describe this world as very, very messy, painful, struggling agony. And Jesus comes into the mess. He comes into…
If at first you don’t succeed, give up. Right? No. Try. Try again. You’re not going to be perfect on this earth. There will come a day when…
Paul suffered for Christ and surprisingly he said that was cause for rejoicing. Why did Paul rejoice in suffering? When you suffer in Jesus. The glory of God rests upon…