Believers are to be servants of all. Do you need some inspiration? Look to Christ himself. Jesus is God and yet he is willing to be your servant. If anybody…
Want to know the key, the secret to living a joyful life. . . live the opposite of what the world tells you. The world teaches you that you…
He who dies with the most toys wins. . . think again. If you live for other things and then you die, you don’t have those things anymore. And that’s…
Sometimes it isn’t a better process. Okay, so you’re telling me that the path of being a Christian and being a disciple, it’s going to be painful. It’s going to…
our highest attainment is not being able to just receive all of God’s gifts and blessings and love. Your highest attainment, yes, is to receive that. But to find that…
Can you imagine yourself as perfect in love as Jesus Christ? Then you imagine that we’re all going to be like that. We’ll all be mature. We’ll all be perfected…