Jesus wants to have a close, caring relationship with us. You have a shepherd who’s going to protect you. He’s going to lead you to green pastures. He’s going to…
What if you were full of pain, cuts, bruises, beaten, and yet what you were feeling was so much more real, so much more powerful, this overcoming joy and victory.…
He walked on water. Cast devils out. He raised the dead. And so the disciples are thinking. Messiah. Kingdom, if he can do these things. What power on earth could…
Paul was persecuted by the religious leaders for spreading the gospel. They said, look, if you’ll stop preaching this message of grace by faith, we’ll stop persecuting you. Paul was…
So when Jesus crossed, as it were, the threshold, he was crucified. His blood was shed. Symbolically, the angels clean their swords, sheathed them, stand back. And now the way…
Why only through him and with the analogy that comes here, actually comes from the Middle East and the patriarchs. Abraham, of course, was a shepherd. Moses was a shepherd.…