Today we’ll see how we’re brought together, brought near to the Lord through the shed blood of Jesus. Pastor Ray titled today’s study Made nigh by the blood. What’s the…
Made Nigh by the Blood Part 01
Oftentimes, we’re known more for what we’re against than what we’re for, more for what we refrain from doing than what we set out to do. Well, today, pastor Ray…
God's Masterpiece In Loving Memory
Our needs and desires come as no surprise to God. We can’t forget that he created us. What’s more, he knows how to meet those needs and he knows how…
Fortune Foretold Part 02
We all want to be loved even though we can sometimes feel so unlovable. Yet God loved you enough to send his only son to give his life so that…
Fortune Foretold Part 01
If we choose to, we can add another fear to our collection. If you follow the news, listen to a small talk at work, or just speak with a neighbor,…
Learning to Breathe Part 02
If you had a treasured antique, you might have it appraised, but the only real way to know its worth is by the price someone is actually willing to pay.…