We sometimes expect this life to be a bed of roses, but often feel nothing but the thorns. As Erma Bombeck put it, if life is a bowl of cherries,…
Unsolved Mysteries Part 02
Wouldn’t it have been a thrill to experience the Garden of Eden creation just the way God intended? Well, one day the earth will return to its former glory. It’s…
Unsolved Mysteries Part 01
The disciples have run every which way. Finally he shows up to them and for 40 days he shows them, look, I’m alive. It’s really me. I’m alive, I am…
Big Picture Part 02
God knew from the beginning of time that we would fail, that we would sin. And so his plan from the very start was to redeem us, to rescue us…
Big Picture Part 01
We have a spiritual debt problem. The wages of our sin is death, and we can’t afford that. Today we’ll see Jesus paid the price himself and purchased our eternal…
Divine Secrets In Loving Memory
Jesus died for sinners. Which sinners? Even the worst of them. Pastor Ray Bentley says, that’s how great is our Savior’s love. God has never refused a man or woman,…