God could have disseminated his message of love anywhere he wanted, but he chose people. And to the people he chose. He gives them power to be his ambassadors. And…
Jesus' Ressurection
Important facts are often backed up with confirmation. Reporters should try to secure multiple sources for testimony is often confirmed with multiple witnesses. Well, today, Pastor Ray points out our…
An Unlikely Hero
Jesus lived the life of a pauper. We read of no real earthly possessions. He didn’t live paycheck to paycheck. He lived meal to meal. And yet, after his death,…
The Veil Torn
We all know that Jesus paid for our sins on the cross, but that sacrifice was surrounded by circumstances and symbolism that yield great insights into God’s plan and the…
The King on the Cross Part 2
Is Jesus some ivory towers savior who rules from on high but doesn’t know the plight of the common man? No. He came to Earth as a common man and…
The King on the Cross
We refer to Jesus as Lord. It’s as if it’s a second name or a term of endearment. Actually, if Jesus is Lord, He’s in charge. Calling Jesus, Lord means…