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“Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain.”— John 12:24

We are like seeds. Only by dying and being buried in the ground can anything productive come of a little seed. But what if the seed could talk? Would it be asking, “Hey, why did you dig a hole and throw me in it? Why are you burying me? Help!”

That’s us. We forget the very nature of our being and reject God’s plan for us: to know Him and to love and serve others. “He who loves His life will lose it,” Jesus concluded (John 12:25). He also said, “Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me” (Mark 8:34).

Physical death can sometimes be easier than denying ourselves the rights and privileges we think we deserve.

Marriage, friendship, work relationships, and yes, parenting — all require us to take a deep breath, swallow our pride, push our agendas aside, and yield to love and servanthood.

We need to change our perceptions of what our lives are supposed to be and how we are supposed to fulfill God’s will. But sometimes we’re just too busy to recognize who we are. And sometimes, we’re just too afraid to die.

We need to recognize what we already are: God’s beloved, the objects of His desire, the vessels of His love, the recipients of His greatest blessings and gifts.

“In a day when believers seem to be trying to please both the world and the Lord (which is impossible), when people are far more concerned about offending their friends than offending God, there is only one answer…Deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Him!” —Keith Green1

  1. Quotes by Keith Green, the Proactive Christian, http://theproactivechristian.

Pastor Ray Bentley

Love God. Love People. Pastor Ray Bentley lived by those words. His love for the Lord and the people he served was demonstrated every day through his actions, leadership, ministry, teaching, sharing, and caring.

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